Teen Mom Jenelle Evans Dragged For Implying Toddler Has Eating Disorder

When your parenting is on display for the world, people are bound to question some of the decisions you make. It's something Teen Mom star Jenelle Evans knows all to well, and this week in particular she is feeling the heat. 

On a recent episode of Teen Mom 2, Evans refused to let her three-year-old son Kaiser go to the bathroom to poop during breakfast after he told her he needed to. Instead, she got angry at the boy, yelling, "No! You already did this morning!" When the child explained he was going to wind up doing it in his pants, Jenelle's husband David, who is not Kaiser's father, scolded him saying, "If you poop in your pants, you're going to be in big trouble mister. You just went to the potty. Stop it. Eat your food."

Fans of the show were shocked by Jenelle and David's reaction, and the girlfriend of Kaiser's father, Nathan Griffith, wrote on social media that it happens often. She explained, 

"This isn’t the first time kaiser told [Nathan] & I he was not allowed to go potty. Probably why when he pees the bed at night he tries to hide it by changing his clothes and hiding them. Before someone tries to poke holes in my story, Kaiser did not use the exact words ‘I’m not allowed.’ I stated that referencing what he has told us multiple times. ANY time he says he has to go potty [Nathan] takes him. No matter how many times a day he says it."

To explain her side of the situation, Jenelle retweeted a fan who wrote, "My daughter (11) has an eating disorder. Was hospitalized for it for three months this year.. She did this frequently (going to the bathroom) to use eating disorder behaviors. Good for you for catching on and not allowing him to go. I say ALL the time she isn’t allowed to go."

However, that didn't help matters much and Twitter let Jenelle know it. 

For what it's worth, Kids Health, a site with physician-reviewed info, states that eating disorders don't appear in kids until at least age seven, and even that is rare.  

Check out what else the mother of three has to say when Teen Mom 2 airs on MTV Mondays at 9 PM Eastern. 

Photo Credit: Getty

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