Stressed? You Are Not Alone. The Ohio MHAS is Here to Listen and Help.

Are you having trouble with stress, depression or fighting addiction right now? You are not alone. I have struggled with the after-effects of the treatments of my husband's and my cancer journeys and it has taken its toll on me during this Stay at Home order. If you need someone to talk with, there is help here in Ohio. During Governor Mike DeWine's daily Coronavirus briefing, he announced the formation of a new Hotline here in Ohio to help all of us who are dealing with stress during this time. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. If you need to talk, here is the number for the Covid Care Line: 1-800-720-9616. Also, if you would like to have more information about OhioMHAS, click here.

We are all in this together; however we are all unique in our struggles. Don't be afraid or embarrassed to reach out! Help truly is just a phone call away.

Be safe and be well!


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