Matthew McConaughey Joins Instagram on His 50th Birthday

Matthew McConaughey has finally joined Instagram – and he joined on his 50th birthday!

The actor’s first post is actually a video talking about joining the social media site for the very first time.

“Look, this is my first venture into sharing myself and my views with the world, and I’m a little bit nervous about it because quite frankly … I know I want to have a monologue, I’m not sure I want to have the dialogue,” Matthew said in the new video.

“I’m looking forward to sharing who I am with you, I’m looking forward to seeing if who I am translates, if what I want to share translates,” he added, continued, “if it tickles your funny bone, if it makes you think a second, if it makes your heart swell up a little bit, if it makes you take a quiet moment for a walk and go, ‘I have to check in with the M and the E’ — hopefully all of those things.”

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